Why Rush is wrong.....
I have another confession to make. I used to be a dittohead! There I said it. I am ashamed to admit it but I used to have a Rush is Right bumper sticker on my Izuzu pickup while I was @ Southwestern. Man was I messed up.
I admit I agree with many of Rush Limbaugh's views. I'm glad he is pro-life and lines up with many of the Biblical views of morality. But, maybe I'm becoming a "liberal" because I just can't listen to him anymore. He claims to be the opitomy of morality and virtue. But he cusses all of the time and often has sexual references and stuff. He makes fun of people and turns off liberals. I just can't see Jesus hanging out with Rush. Rush reminds me of the Pharisees. He is always right! But, didn't he get arrested for taking illegal drugs? His arrogance is amazing. I realize he might be talking tongue in cheek but my goodness he is harsh.
I imagine Jesus hanging out with those that Rush criticizes. For that reason, that is who I desire to hang out with. Some would argue that we need Rush, Pat Roberston, Jerry Falwell and others to fight for our rights as conservatives. But, I'm a follower of Christ 1st! I may vote Repubican, but that is only because their moral values line up with mine for the most part. But, now the corruption in the Republican party is rivaling Dems. Before you throw stones at me--I'm not a fan of Alan Combs either.
We can't legislate morality. No politicians or political party is going to save our world. Only the power of Jesus Christ. So you will never see a political sticker on my car. You will never again here me campaign for a politcial candidate. I pray that we have a bunch of Christ followers in politics, but only for the sake of changing those they work with.
posted by Kevin Bussey at 11/11/2005 12:55:00 PM
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