Last year I read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller and I love the chapter where they set up the confession booth @ Reed College. Their twist was when people came in to confess, Donald and his friends confessed to the non-believers for all of the horrible things done in the name of Christianity.
Well in that light, I want to apologize for some the bonehead things people do in the name of Christianity:
1. I apologize for TBN. That has to be the worst representation of Christianity on the airwaves.
2. I apologize for Paul and Jan Crouch especially, Jan's pink hair.
3. I apologize for cheezy contemporary Christian Music that copies Britney Spears and others.
4. I apologize for Amy Grant and Carmen. (Enough said)
5. I apologize for Binny Hinn and his goofy hair.
6. I apologize for politics and Christianity mixing together.
7. I apologize for Pat Robinson and his stupid remarks about, well everything!
8. I apologize for Jerry Falwell, ditto!
9. I apologize for Christian T-shirts
10. I apologize for fall festivals, read Gary Lamb's blog for this.
11. I apologize for anything that removes Christians from rubbing shoulders with seekers.
12. I apologize every cheezy Christian movie from Tribulation to Left Behind.
13. I apologize for me and my self-righteousness.
posted by Kevin Bussey at 11/10/2005 07:16:00 PM
I apologize for Christians who put America before the kingdom of God.
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