William Shatner (Captain Kirk from Star Trek) has sold a piece of his body for charity. His pain in the rear is actually making $$$! Shatner sold a Kidney Stone for $25,000 to GoldenPalace.Com. The money will be donated by Shatner to Habitat for Humanity to build houses for the poor.
This has my mind wondering how I can raise some cash. What do you think? What are some creative ways I can raise $? Remember the guy who sold everything he owned on
Ebay? I'm all about marketing and promotion. Maybe I could auction off an authographed Bible that I use to speak from on Sundays. Maybe I could auction off my study notes I use during the week. How about selling an autographed church bulletin. Man, the possibilities are endless. I will give the $ to missions. Let's be creative. Shatner may be on to something!
Kudos to Charlotte for sending its best to American Idol.
Goodness gracious. Way to represent.
Ya! She's a member of our church! :)
You have your work cut out for you, Kevin, if Rhonetta is a member.
I don't know how big your church is, but you could auction off the closest parking spaces to the highest bidding church member for a year ... our church is just down the street from where the new Cowboys stadium will be, so I have already been trying to figure this moneymaker plan out!
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