Compassion, Mercy and other stuff
Mercy and compassion are not my spiritual gifts. I probably rank --10 on a scale from 1-10. But I have come to the realization that Jesus had all of the spiritual gifts and eventhough I may not have one, I need to act on it anyway. I have been discussing some deep subjects with some people recently (no one in Mobile). These issues are deep and the people involved in the sins no they are wrong but just can't seem to break the bondage. As I discussed it with them further they said they don't need more quotes of scripture-what they need is love, respect, empathy and prayer. The more I listened to their pain I realized how true that is. As a pastor I will always speak the truth but I must understand that there are people struggling with sin and they don't always need more preaching-just love. My love and especially God's love.
I Corinthians 13
posted by Kevin Bussey at 2/26/2005 11:16:00 PM
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