I have never had to deal with much death in my life until this last year. Cassandra's Dad and Step-mom died with-in 6 months and then my Grandfather died in-between their deaths. My grandfather was a godly man who had been a minister for over 60 years. His death was a celebration. Both Cassandra's dad and step-mom had become Christ-followers later in life, in fact Cassandra led her dad to a relationship with Christ 3 years ago. But their funerals were also celebrations because of what is on the other side.
Tonight, one of the elderly ladies in our church died. I was pastor on call and went over to see her husband and family. I was struck by the peace that he had knowing that she was in heaven with Jesus. I'm not afraid of death because of the Godly examples I have seen thru my life. My prayer is that when I die, I take people to heaven with me. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!"
I have been sidelined @ home because of some minor surgery. Tonight I watched ABC's "Extreme Makeover Home Edition." It has occured to me recently that the church has dropped the ball. Oprah, Dr. Phil and Extreme Makeover Home Edition bring hope to people. The church should make people feel like this when they go to worship and by having the church be the church. Unfortunately, what I have seen is politics and petty junk. I'm sure that I have been part of the problem. What if the church became more like Extreme Makeover, Oprah and Dr. Phil. What if we truly gave the hope of Jesus Christ to people with no strings attached. We are too busy designing a church to meet our own needs without thinking about what Jesus wants. I think Jesus would design a church that met people where they were. Jesus hung out with the "scum of the earth" which I would be included in!
God is doing something in my heart and I will not be able to participate in the kind of church I have been apart of for much of my life. Call it what you want, Postmodernism, Reformation or something else. I want to be part of a community. My family wants to be a part of something bigger than ourselves! This may mean that we have to make major sacrifices in our lives but the sake of lost people deserves this! My prayer is that Jesus will make an Extreme Makeover in my life.
I have been stuck on the couch the last 2 days because of a minor operation yesterday. My family is still sick too. I have been reading a great book by John Maxwell called "Winning with People." How true that is. The one thing I have learned over the last few years is that I don't want to be successful in anything if I have too treat people wrong. The last chapter I read talked about how "HURTING PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE." There are several people in my sphere of influence that are dealing with this. My prayer is that they ignore those who want to hurt them and pray for them. Hang around people who will lift you up emotionally and spiritually.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Today I had a procedure done (male stuff) so I'm out fo commission all weekend. I tried to get a new look and deleted my tag board. Angela, I need help. I'm excited about next Sunday because we are having a Super Bowl Bash @ church. It should be a great outreach. Then Monday we start renovations 4 our new youth center called the "attik." I will yap soon.
I am actually making my next post. Things are fast a furious around my house. My wife and I are both sick. My 10 1/2 son has mono. God has been teaching me a lot this year about patience and forgiveness. Things don't always turn out the way I want them to but God is good no matter how people treat me. We have have seen some really cruel things this last year in my world. Eventhough people let you down, God never does. Cool!
Welcome to my Blog! To all my Posse @ element2 YO! I give a big bark to all my peeps! Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! The Kdawg is in hiz-house! Seriously, I am new to this stuff and want to thank ladyfogg for all her help! God bless you all!