Is it better to be right or save people from hell?
I have been reading this story for weeks on various blogs. Marty Duren first brought to our attention. But Micah Fries wrote last week A Doctrine that could lead to hell. Now the Associated Baptist Press is picking up the story here.
What is the story? Two IMB Missionaries are going to be fired for "cooperating" with missionaries from another denomination to start a church that is "Baptist" in doctrine but not "Baptist" in name. So, we would rather make sure we are "RIGHT" rather than save people from hell? I really don't get it.
I watched the message from Ergun Caner at Thomas Road Baptist Church this past Sunday. He said
"In March, in our beloved Southern Baptist Convention, a bunch of young guys got together and formed the young leaders network, now God help me this is my generation, but what they meant to do was to find some way to wrench leadership of our convention away from the men who got us there."Thanks Dorcas. Then he said his sermon for the PM was to preach against "Calvanism." Now, I'm not a Calvanist (at least all 5 points) but some of the greatest soul-winners in the past centry have been 5 pointers like Bill Bright of Campus Crusade and D. James Kennedy of Evangelism Explosion. Why is so important to be right on "NON-ESSENTIALS?" Why in the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all get along?" This isn't a laughing matter. It seems to me that we have 2 conventions in the SBC now and it is not Conservative vs. Liberal. Those who are left are conservative. It is cooperatives vs. legalists. God help us. I would rather side on the side of cooperation and love than to be "right" and send people to hell.
posted by Kevin Bussey at 4/13/2006 11:41:00 PM
It would be nice if the two sides of the convention could come to the table and work together. I think there are pros & cons on both sides and somewhere in the middle is where we need to meet. Yet I don't know if that will ever happen??
One of the best articulated articles written on the subject to date, Kevin.
And, it repudiates Caner, too, since he thinks our real goal is to take over the convention. That was the goal of others, years ago.
That is, I believe, the assumption that we are the Younger Leader network, since I don't know of any other. Of course, he is wrong on this also, since we are not anything but independant people sharing ideas on the internet.
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