I drove through Greensboro, NC today on my way to and back from Burlington, NC. I attend the Innovative Church Community every month in Burlington.
As I was driving through Greensboro I couldn't help but think about the Southern Baptist Convention to be held in Greensboro this June. I'm sure there have been conventions in the past that have had more controversy. I have heard stories from disenfranchised SBC pastors and their family members. All I can say is I'm sorry for your pain. I can't take back your pain. I can't turn back the clock.
It is time for the SBC to move forward. I think Greensboro is going to be a turning point for the SBC. The controversy with the International Mission Board has ingnited a fire among many of the younger leaders in the convention. I look forward to meeting many new friends that I have met through blogs. I look forward to see what God is going to do with the SBC. I cherish our past, I respect our present, but I look foward to our future!
posted by Kevin Bussey at 4/10/2006 10:15:00 PM
Kevin -
I hadn't thought about the fact you lived close enough to Greensboro to drive there. This is probably a minor thing, but considering your love for Starbucks ... perhaps we should warn the proprietors to overstock during a certain week in June?
Over on Art's blog he seems concerned that we will all mass exodus from the convention during key votes to get in our time at Starbucks. You would be the hero of the world if you went to Greensboro for a few days, did some witnessin' and maybe convinced a manager or two to "deliver" to the convention hall.
Well I know there are probably legal rules tied in to who can serve beverages inside the building ... but just thought I'd toss the idea out there ...
Partly in jest ... but ... I would hate for the younger leaders to flock into the nearest store at break times only to discover when I finally arrive at the front of the line, that the well has run dry. :)
On a more serious note - I too await the amazing things that God will do in and among us all at Greensboro this year. Just a few more months away!
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