Wi-Fi Police!
Illinois Man Fined For Piggybacking On Wi-Fi Service. Check out the story here.
I confess I have done this before. I did not know it was illegal. O well, I will not anymore. I would not prosecute anyone who piggybacked off me. In my house I pick up mine and at least 3 others around me. How do you know when you are on your own?
posted by Kevin Bussey at 3/26/2006 10:42:00 AM
I have mine encrypted so no one can do it. I just don't want anyone downloading "innappropriate stuff" on my account, you know?
You can easily encrypt it to keep people off of it. You set up the router with the code and then put that code in your computer in the wireless network window.
piggybacking... stealing... same thing. using something that's not free without permission. yeah, i can see why that'd be illegal.
From reading the story, I was unclear. Was the crime using someone's internet connection or actually accessing their computer?
Three years ago at our state evangelism conference, one of my friends discovered that the host church, First Southern in Del City, Oklahoma, didn't have security on their network. He resisted my urging to print something on their office printers, as he was able to access more than a dozen of them. Some people are no fun...
I understand hacking in is wrong. But at my house I pick up my wi-fi and sometimes as many as 4 others. What if I unintentionally am on the other wi-fi's by accident. Could I be prosecuted.
we use mac addresses on our home wifi. mac addresses are hardwired into hardware, so there's no duplicating it. better, in my opinion, than 128 bit encryption b/c it only allows specific mac addy's on (no, "mac" is not an apple thing). there are also ways you can tell your compy not to connect to certain networks.
i'm @ panera bread right now. aahhhh... free, legit wifi!
I need to know how to do that Adam!
wish i could help you. my bro, a computer demi-genius, figured it out. but, i'm sure you could call linksys or whoever made your wireless router and figure it out...
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