Program or vision?
Are people drawn to a program or a vision? Marty Duren has a great post on the lack of Cooperative program giving in SBC churches. Check it out here. I think his point is right--that people are drawn to a vision not a program. I will take it one step further-Men are not drawn to programs-they are drawn to a vision. The CP was designed to pool money from churches to send out missionaries. That is a vision that most people can get behind. A small church can feel apart of the Great Commission by giving their money to support missions. But the CP has no meaning to many SBC'ers especially younger SBC'ers. They don't even know what it is. It is sad, when the largest churches in the SBC don't give much at all to the CP yet those are the pastors who shape the SBC. Check out this article. It is time to overhaul the system. I don't like to point out opportunities without giving possible solutions:
1. Change the name of the Cooperative Program to Mission Millennium or Great Commission Challenge. (come up with another catchy name -just a start)
2. Have only one "Special Offering" each year. People feel like they are being asked for money all year long with Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, Baptist Children's Home offering, State Offerings, State College Offerings, etc.....
3. Stop wasting $$ promoting our SBC agencies and give the money to the missionaries who are on the field. That is why we give in the first place.
People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. These are just a few suggestions to how we can bring the CP into the 21st Century.
posted by Kevin Bussey at 2/27/2006 08:59:00 AM
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